Timo Pitkänen

First person to retire from Vatupassi

The former Rental Manager of the Vatupassi rental depot in Nurmes, Timo Pitkänen, is the first employee to retire from his job at the company. “Timppa”, who is known for his hearty laugh and sociable personality, had a long career in building materials, and he also had an integral role in establishing the Vatupassi store in Nurmes.

I had a very long working life. I started with planting seedlings when I was 15, and that was it. I finished school and got my Centre Lathe Machinist diploma, but have never actually worked as a machinist. I built houses and worked in Helsinki and Tampere before ending up in Nurmes. And don’t ask why, I still don’t have a clue, Pitkänen laughs.

Timppa came to work at Vatupassi through his own initiative.

In 2003, I was working for a competitor and the customers always kept asking why they can’t rent equipment in a sensible and practical way here in Nurmes. So, I decided to call Jukka Törmälä in Joensuu, even though I had never met the man. Jukka came over the very next day, and we agreed there and then to open a store here. And after a couple of weeks, it was already up and running. The Törmälä’s put their trust in me… or did they just want to get rid of the competition, Pitkänen jokes.

When asked about the greatest moments of his working life, the jovial man grows a bit more serious. The best aspects for Timppa were having his own freedom as well as the customers and his workmates. Pitkänen is sincerely grateful for the people around him.

I’ve never regretted calling Jukka all those years ago. I’m a very social guy and through work, I’ve gotten to know people in Kajaani, Lieksa, Kuopio and all over the place. When I go to Kuhmo to visit a customer, I immediately see many hands waving in greeting. The crew in our own shop too has always been terrific and fun to be around. I always enjoyed going to work, and everyone else feels the same way.

The first Vatupassi retiree has very good memories of his time with the company. When asked about Vatupassi, Timppa answers firmly: “It’s a great company”. He remembers especially warmly the way the employers reacted to the fateful accident that affected Pitkänen’s family.

All kinds of things happen in life, but my son’s accident has been the most devastating one. Jukka and the whole company were tremendously supportive during that difficult time, and I am just ever so grateful for that, Pitkänen says in a choked voice.

There are also a countless number of extremely funny incidents and anecdotes from along Timppa’s career that the man remembers with tears of laughter in his eyes… However, let’s leave them to be told in one the Vatupassi sauna sessions, shall we.

Published 12.2.2020, updated 21.10.2022.

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