Updated 3.1.2023
Digital invoices
For edigital invoices, please use the following address:
Digital invoicing address: 003732303022
EDI code: 003732303022
Business ID: 3230302–2
Intermediary code: 003714377140 (Ropo Capital Oy)
In digital invoices, please enter the company’s domicile address in the billing address field so that any other notices and reminders are directed to the correct address:
Vatupassi Törmälä Oy
Pamilonkatu 22b
80100 Joensuu
Paper invoices
If you are unable to send digital invoices, please use the following address (NOTE! If you send digital invoices, DO NOT use this address):
Vatupassi Törmälä Oy
P.O. Box 8461
Postal Mail
Please send any reminders or other letters to the following address:
Vatupassi Törmälä Oy
Pamilonkatu 22b
80100 Joensuu
The required identifiers for invoices are the sender’s name, invoice date, invoice number, reference number, invoice amount, due date, delivery address, buyer’s name, and reference. As a buyer’s reference, please use the location of our premises (Joensuu/ Jyväskylä/ Kerava/ Kuopio/ Nurmes/ Oulu/ Tampere/ Turku/ Administration/ Site Services) to which the invoice pertains.
Payment term for invoices is at least 30 days net.
For address changes, invoice complaints, or other invoicing-related matters, please email laskutus@vatupassi.fi.
For more information: CFO Anssi Törmälä, anssi.tormala@vatupassi.fi, tel. 040 586 1720