We use green electricity, with guarantees of origin, in almost all of our offices, and are actively working to get the rest of our offices up to par on that regard as well. Our goal is to achieve carbon neutrality by 2025. We operate in a field, where everything is centered around machines that use a lot of energy. That means that we also have great opportunities to control CO2 emissions. The equipment and machines we rent out are always inspected and cleaned, so their engines work and perform optimally and have long lifespans. We provide our customers with instructions on different measures they can take in order to reduce the CO2 emissions of the rental equipment.
All the properties we own are heated with green energy, and all the electricity we use is green electricity, produced with renewable energy by the electricity company Pohjois-Karjalan Sähkö. We use energy-efficient LED lights in all our new properties and also replace any remaining old lighting with new LED lights, as and when the old lights reach the end of their life-cycle.
Actions have an impact. By switching to renewable energy, we cut down our CO2 emissions by approximately 74 tonnes in a year. The amount can be compared to e.g. 150 or so return flights from Finland to New York, or to the electricity consumption of 30 single-family houses.

In addition to our own calculations, we analyse the environmental impact of our operations by taking part in the “Vihreä kädenjälki” (Green Handprint) survey. We are also committed to the Green Deal commitment. We advise our customers that they should choose an option with less burden to the environment, even if that option means an increase in costs.
We also offer our customers a bio-alternative that can be used instead of fuel oil. In accordance with the Green Deal, we strive to increase the number of electric machinery in our catalogue. We use biodegradable hydraulic oil in a number of our equipment.
When our rental equipment starts getting older, but is still suitable for less frequent use, we sell the bigger machines on. The smaller machines and equipment are taken to WEEE and metal recycling.
Waste recycling is also done in all the Vatupassi branches around Finland. All of our locations have recycling stations for wood, iron, WEEE as well as energy waste. At our Oulu branch, there are separate recycling bins for plastics and cardboard too.
In 2021, we stopped using disposable coffee cups among our staff, and our customers get to enjoy their coffees in plastic-free biodegradable paper cups that can be recycled by pulping.
These concrete actions help us reduce the environmental burden caused by our operations.